French Fitness 3 Tier Kettlebell Rack

The French Fitness 3 Tier Kettlebell Rack holds any size of kettlebell on 3 shelves. It has back lip on each shelve that prevents fall through. Made of steel, the French Fitness 3 Tier Kettlebell Rack is made to last for years.
Body Solid GDKR100 Dual Dumbbell & Kettlebell Rack

Configurable weight platforms flip to hold either dumbbells or kettlebells. Keep your workout area organized, clean and, most importantly, safe. Our weight trees and dumbbell racks can be placed against any wall or centered in a room. Nobody builds stronger or more space efficient storage units. Heavy gauge steel with all-4-side welded construction is deburred inside and out for user safety. Dumbbells & Kettlebells sold separately.

Body Solid SDKRKBR Pro Clubline Kettlebell Rack

Perfect for the storage needs of any facility, the new Pro ClubLine Kettlebell rack offer unparalleled flexibility for storage of Kettlebells or Kettleballs. Each section can hold any one of four different shelves for small or large dumbbell, medicine ball or kettlebell storage. Mix and match to suit your specific needs. In addition the rack is infinitely expandable for larger facilities with more extensive storage needs. The SDKRKB has a surface space of 59" x 12". Available with 2 or 3 tiers.

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