French Fitness Jute Tow Rope 1.5 in x 30 ft
The French Fitness Jute Tow Rope is made of durable nylon with 1.5 inches in diameter to provide you with the optimum grip. The top of the rope has a strong metal eyehook for quick attachment to almost any sturdy anchor point. The heat-shrink end caps boost durability by preventing the rope from fraying over time. The rope's flexible form makes it simple to carry and fit inside your workout bag. Similar to a pull-up, rope climbs require you to move your entire body weight in a single motion, and using French Fitness Jute Tow Rope to your sled offers a comparable full-body challenge, ensuring that even with the incorporation of legs and feet, you're moving a greater resistance than typical free weights, thereby intensifying the workout experience. Strengthen your grip, develop your upper body, and enhance your coordination and agility with the French Fitness Jute Tow Rope.
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