Write Review

Please Review our Performance: your opinion means a lot to our company

Your Name

Email Address

Product Purchased

How did you hear about Fitness Superstore?

What was the primary reason you bought from Fitness Superstore:
Best Prices
Product Selection
Customer Service
Good Reviews

If you contacted us prior to making your purchase, check all methods that apply:
Tried to Email, no response
Tried to Call, no response
In-Store Visit

How easy was navigating our website and did you find the products / information you were seeking?
5 (Found Everything much quicker than I do at most ecommerce sites)
4 (Good, no complaints)
3 (Minor Issues)
2 (Needs Lots of Improvement)
1 (Terrible)

How would you Rate our Customer Service?
5 (Above & Beyond my expectations)
4 (Good, no complaints)
3 (Minor Issues)
2 (Needs Improvement)
1 (Horrible)

How would you Rate the Condition of the Product you received, vs what you expected?
5 (Above & Beyond my expectations)
4 (Good, no complaints)
3 (Minor Issues)
2 (Needs Improvement)
1 (Horrible)

How would you rate the performance of the Shipping Company, and/or Delivery Service?
5 (Above & Beyond my expectations)
4 (Good, no complaints)
3 (Minor Issues)
2 (Needs Improvement)
1 (Horrible)

Did we offer all of the fitness related products and services you were seeking?

How would you rate your overall satisfaction with Fitness Superstore? (5=Great, 1=Terrible)
5***** 4**** 3*** 2** 1*

If you are in the market for fitness equipment again, would you shop at Fitness Superstore?
Yes No Not Sure

If a friend of yours is in the market for fitness equipment, would you recommend Fitness Superstore?
Yes No Not Sure

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