Low EMF vs Near Zero - What's the Difference?

Carbon Ultra Low EMF Heat Emitter
An Electromagnetic Field is a physical field produced by electrically charged objects. It is one of the fundamental forces of nature. The field can be viewed as the combination of an electric field and a magnetic field. The electric field is produced by stationary charges and the magnetic field by moving charges referred to as currents. Although all of our sauna products have been developed to have low EMF, several of our model saunas use our advance Carbon Ultra Low EMF technology (patent pending) which significantly reduces the amount of EMF exposure resulting in very low EMF or less than 3 milligauss (mG)(@2 inches)(test results average between 3mG-5mG including background EMF).
GoldenDesigns Incorporated
Near Zero EMF Heat Emitter
The manufacturer of our model saunas is also the creator of the technology behind the Near Zero EMF Heat Emitter which eliminates electromagnetic waves. A typical carbon heating panel takes electric energy and transforms it into heat. In doing so, EMF is produced. The critical manufacturing process of our Near Zero EMF Heat Emitter incorporates a method that extensively reduces the amount of EMF given off. Simply put, as the magnetic field passes through the carbon heat emitter, it is greatly neutralized resulting in Near Zero EMF being generated.
GoldenDesigns Incorporated
EMF & RF Safety Levels - A Comparative Guide
It can be very hard to say exactly what levels of EMF are safe, because safety in this arena is often a relative concept based on frequency, exposure time, and possible individual sensitivity. Even then, studies are often considered inconclusive plus there is the potential for political and financial agenda to steer perception one way or the other.
How do we characterize EMF exposure?
No one knows which aspect of EMF exposure, if any, affects human health. Because of this uncertainty, in addition to the field strength, we must ask how long an exposure lasts, how it varies, and at what time of day or night it occurs. House wiring, for example, is often a significant source of EMF exposure for an individual, but the magnetic fields produced by the wiring depend on the amount of current flowing. As heating, lighting, and appliance use varies during the day, magnetic field exposure will also vary.
Southern California EDISON