About EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) Sauna Technology

What is EMF?

Electricity and magnetism are two closely related fundamental forces of the universe which have existed since the beginning of time. Early civilizations were aware of their existence and used the earth's natural magnetic field for navigational purposes. The use of compasses made with naturally occurring magnetic ores is older than written historical records. Until about 100 years ago, human exposure to electric and magnetic fields was limited to naturally occurring fields. With the introduction of electricity into homes and businesses, the potential for Electromagnetic Field (EMF) exposure has significantly increased. EMFs are created anywhere electricity is generated, transmitted or used.

IOWA State Univesity of Science and Technology

Electromagnetic fields and public health: mobile phones

Mobile or cellular phones are now an integral part of modern telecommunications. In many countries, over half the population use mobile phones and the market is growing rapidly. In 2014, there is an estimated 6.9 billion subscriptions globally. In some parts of the world, mobile phones are the most reliable or the only phones available.

World Health Organization

What is EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) 101 – By EMF & RF Solutions

There are currently no Permissible Exposure Limits (PEL) for EMF levels published by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) or the EPA. Therefore, we are providing you with a chart of reference data of published studies, national and international suggested guidelines, recommendations by unions, working groups or governmental entities.

EMF & RF Solutions

Electric and Magnetic Fields from Power Lines

Electric and magnetic fields, also known as electromagnetic fields (EMF), consist of waves of electric and magnetic energy moving together. These energy fields surround us all the time. Scientific studies have not clearly shown whether exposure to EMF increases cancer risk. A few studies have connected EMF and health effects, but they have not been able to be repeated. This means that they are inconclusive. Scientists continue to conduct research on the issue.

US EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

Electric and Magnetic Fields Associated with the Use of Electric Power

Since the mid-twentieth century, electricity has been an essential part of our lives. Electricity powers our appliances, office equipment, and countless other devices that we use to make life safer, easier, and more interesting. Use of electric power is something we take for granted. However, some have wondered whether the electric and magnetic fields (EMF) produced through the generation, transmission, and use of electric power [power-frequency EMF, 50 or 60 hertz (Hz)] might adversely affect our health. Numerous research studies and scientific reviews have been conducted to address this question.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
National Institutes of Health

ICNIRP Statement On The “Guidelines For Limiting Exposure To Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic, And Electromagnetic Fields (Up To 300 GHz)”

SINCE THE publication of the ICNIRP “Guidelines for limiting exposure to time-varying electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields (up to 300 GHz)” (ICNIRP 1998) many scientific studies of the effects of such fields have been published. In the frequency range up to approximately 100 kHz several scientific reviews and health hazard assessments have been undertaken by organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO 2006, 2007), national radiation protection institutions (HPA 2006, 2008), and by ICNIRP (2003). For static and extremely low frequency (ELF) fields, ICNIRP’s process of reviewing its guidelines is, respectively, finalized (ICNIRP 2009) or in progress. For frequencies above 100 kHz, including frequencies used for modern wireless communications, several major national and international research programs have been completed recently (e.g., MTHR 2007; Federal Office for Radiation Protection 2008) and others are ongoing. The new data need to be reviewed and assessed with respect to possible health hazards prior to a revision of ICNIRP’s recommendations in this frequency band. This process of review and assessment is currently in progress.

International Commission on NonIonizing Radiation Protection