Matrix Console Comparisons & Reviews (3x, 5x, 7xe, 7xi)

For the 3X displays those are the more simple and straightforward approach for easy and quick workouts. This is the keypad and button style so you won't experience touchscreen calibration issues nor the complicated options that some touchscreen displays offer. This is the better option for customers who prefer to just get on and workout without the long boot ups for display to power on or who don't need the internet and TV capabilities.. Parts on these keypad style displays are also much cheaper and usually experience less problems than the touchscreen models due to their simple program/hardware setup..

The 5X display is also the keypad style with buttons so also another one for customers who prefer to just get on and start working out instead of waiting for boot up times, setting up TV, browsing the internet etc.. Low cost parts since the inner components aren't as complicated as the touchscreen models.. Standard programs and settings can be set to your preferences..

The 7xe is the standard display for touchscreens. It offers the TV capability, ipod connectivity and a 15" screen. Unfortunately on these earlier models internet browsing is not available. You can also go into the settings and mess with a bunch of different options and even record workouts via USB. Has the option to install the Virtual Active kit that allows you to workout in different locations of the world... The units respond to the hills or routes by increasing/decreasing resistance and incline by themselves...Aux for headphones

The 7xi is one of one of the nicest touchscreens we have seen here.. Fast and accurate responses on the touch itself... Apps like HULU, NETFLIX, and youtube are available. Full internet browsing is available as well.. TV capabilities along with games and connects both via WiFi or ethernet.. These also do come with the courses that all you to workout in different cities/locations..Completely different system allows you to adjust settings with ease.. REALLY GOOD quality images as well...