Dynamic Brands Warranty

Frame: 5 years
Fluid Tank: 2 years
Mechanical and all other non-wearing components: 2 years
Wearing components: 1 year

1-year Limited Warranty. The warranty period commences on the date of purchase and is non-transferrable.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I fill the Cold Plunge Tub?
Please ensure that either the Plugs and Caps are in place on the Tub Outlet and Inlet, or that the Hoses are fastened tightly to both the Cold Plunge tub and the Chiller to prevent water spillage. Be sure that the Drain is closed and/or the Drain Cap is in place. Place a garden hose in the tub and turn on the water at the faucet or spigot. Fill the Cold Plunge Tub to about 2/3-3/4 full. If a Chiller is connected, fill the Cold Plunge until the Water Inlet on the Tub wall is submerged in water.
How do I drain the Cold Plunge Tub?
Unscrew the Drain Cap to allow the water to flow freely from the Cold Plunge Tub. To connect a standard garden hose to the Drain Fittings, please request a Drain Adapter from DCT.
*First Generation Barrels and Cuboids will have a “Pop-up Plug” on the floor of the Cold Plunge. With the Drain Fitting open, press on the Pop-up Plug to release the water.
How do I change the Filter on the Chiller?
Use the Plugs that came with the Cold Plunge Tub to close the Inlet and Outlet post on the Cold Plunge Tub. Using the provided Filter Wrench, turn the Filter Cup counter-clockwise until the Filter Cup detaches from the Chiller (from a bird’s eye view the Filter Cup will need to be turned clockwise for removal). Some water will spill, but no more than the residual amount inside the Hoses and Chiller. Discard the old Filter and place a fresh Filter in the Filter Cup before refastening to the Chiller.
How often does the water need to be replaced?
We recommend replacing the water frequently to ensure clean, safe, and sanitary water is being used in the Cold Plunge. Water requirements will vary depending on use, ranging from 1-2 times per week for intensive users, or as little as every 2-4 weeks in lighter use applications or with stringent water maintenance schedules.
Can I use chemicals to treat the water?
While chemicals such as chlorine can be used to sanitize the water, we recommend using chemical treatment sparingly as this is a health and wellness product. If chemicals are being used it’s especially important to test and monitor the water regularly to maintain pH balance, alkalinity, water hardness, and acceptable levels of the chemical being used. Please note: Bromine is especially corrosive to the materials used in the Cold Plunge Tubs and Chillers, and we do not recommend using Bromine for water treatment.
How long are the Hoses?
The Chiller comes with two 8 foot long Hoses.
What size are the Cold Plunge and Chiller Fittings?
The Chillers, Barrel Cold Plunge, and Cuboid Cold Plunge all use 1⁄2” Threaded NPT Fittings. The Inflatable Cold Plunge Tubs have 1” ID Fittings and come with custom Adapters to connect to the Chiller.
Can I use longer Hoses with my Cold Plunge system?
Yes, but there are potential problems to consider. Using longer Hoses will create a greater distance for the water to travel between the Cold Plunge Tub and the Chiller, resulting in greater chance for heat absorption and greater friction between the inside of the Hose and the water traveling through them. These factors will decrease the efficiency of the Chiller’s cooling abilities. Exactly how much the efficiency is reduced is incalculable due to myriad variables. Additionally, regardless of length, the Hoses will collect condensation when the unit is cooling the water. Over greater distances there will be more moisture to manage.
Can I install the Chiller in a utility closet or above the Cold Plunge Tub out of the way?
Chiller placement involves 3 main considerations:
- Distance behind the Chiller for ventilation (at least 36 inches)
- The Chiller remaining level with the Cold Plunge
- Moisture management as condensation drips from the Chiller and the Hoses
The Chiller needs proper ventilation in order to cool the water; if the unit is recirculating the same hot air that is being discharged then it will not be able to cool the water effectively. Place the Chiller above or below the ground level where the Cold Plunge Tub is installed will cause the Water to Pump to also compete against the force of gravity to circulate the water. This additional strain can shorten the longevity of the product. Be mindful that condensation from the Chiller and the Hoses will drip on the floor in the surrounding area, and it will be important manage the accumulating moisture accordingly.
What are the electrical requirements for the Chiller?
All of our Chiller models run on a standard 120v/15AMP outlet. We recommend using a dedicated 15AMP Outlet/Circuit Breaker when possible, and due to the product involving water we recommend using a GFCI Outlet..
Can the Cold Plunge system be installed outdoors?
The Chillers are rated for outdoor use, but they are not weather-proofed. The Chiller can tolerate some water exposure, such as some water dripping off the user’s hand after they have exited the Cold Plunge and make adjustments to the Chiller’s settings. Exposing the Chiller to direct sunlight can cause the Ambient Temperature Sensor to read extremely high temperatures which may result in the unit being inoperable. The Cold Plunge Tubs are suitable for outdoor use, however Barrel Cold Plunge users may wish to consider staining the wood staves of the Barrel to improve longevity and protect the unit from the elements.
How long is the Warranty period?
All Dynamic Cold Therapy products carry a 1-year Limited Warranty. The warranty period commences on the date of purchase and is non-transferrable.
How often does the water need to be replaced?
Water Maintenance schedules will vary depending on multiple factors, such as frequency of use, local water source conditions, and other environmental factors. Because this is a Health & Wellness product we encourage our customers to replace the water frequently rather than relying entirely on chemical treatment for sanitary purposes. We typically recommend replacing the water at least once a week depending on use. Some heavy-use Cold Plunge customers may need to replace their water more frequently, and some users may be able to go longer between water replacements based on proper water maintenance and less frequent use. As a rule of thumb, if the water is cloudy or discolored this is a sure sign that the water is due to be replaced.
How often does the Filter need to be replaced?
Water Maintenance schedules will vary depending on multiple factors, such as frequency of use, local water source conditions, and other environmental factors. Filter replacements may occur as often as once or twice a week in heavy-use Cold Plunge applications, and Filters may last as long as 2-3 weeks in well-maintained less frequently used applications. As a rule of thumb, if the Filter is discolored or showing signs of deterioration it’s likely that it needs to be replaced. If the Flow Rate has decreased below 16L/min and/or the Chiller is nosier than usual this is also an indicator that the Filter is due to be replaced.
How often does the Strainer need to be cleaned?
The Strainer should be cleaned out at least as often as the Filter is replaced. For units with an Internal Strainer, it can be removed for cleaning by following along with the video linked HERE.
What do I do with the extra Strainer Attachment that came with the Chiller?
We recommend installing the External Strainer to the Chiller Inlet Fitting, as shown in the video linked HERE. Using the External Strainer will help improve Filter longevity. The External Strainer should be cleaned out at least as often as the Filter is replaced. Simply unscrew the clear cup portion from the black top, remove the mech strainer, and thoroughly rinse the strainer out before re-installing.
What does the Ozone feature do?
The Ozonator helps keep the water clean by killing bacteria in the water. Unless toggled “off” the Ozone will activate about every 15 minutes. The Basic and Premier models have adjustable Ozone intervals, whereas the Standard model can only be turned on or off. Using the Ozone feature is not an all-encompassing stand-in for other water maintenance procedures.
How loud is the Chiller?
Our Chillers have a Decibel rating of about 60-65Db. The Chiller may sound louder when the Ozone is actively running.
Can I use the Cold Plunge in the winter?
The Chillers are rated at a working temperature of 34°F-113°F, and are not rated for use in sub- freezing temperatures. Damage caused by freezing is not covered under warranty.
How do I drain the Chiller for storage?
Please see the video linked HERE for guidance on completely draining the Chiller. This video shows the Chiller partially disassembled as it was filmed in the factory, but it won’t be necessary to open up the unit to drain it.