French Fitness FSR80 vs FSR90, FSR50 vs FSR80



French Fitness FSR80 vs FSR90

FSR90 has the jammer arms. FSR80 does not.

FSR90 has a higher weight rating and user capacity rating.

FSR90 has a 2:1 ratio. FSR80 has a 2:3 ratio. This is the biggest difference. The FSR90 cable system is smoother, has more range of motion, and is a more traditional pulley system system. It does, however, have a max of what feels like 110 lbs per side. The FSR80 will feel like 330 lbs per side. The FSR80 will be better for lifters of heavy weight, the FSR90 best for medium to light lifters.

FSR90 has weight horns in the back, so you need space behind the machine.

FSR80 on the side. NO space needed behind the machine

FSR80 is a little shorter. Again, lat pulldown is one exercise FSR90 would be much better on due to it being taller and the weight stack that feels heavier.

French Fitness FSR80 Functional Trainer Smith & Rack Gym System
French Fitness FSR90 Functional Trainer Smith & Squat Rack Machine

French Fitness FSR50 vs FSR80

FSR80 weight stack will feel like 330 lbs

FSR50 is going to feel like 100 lbs due to the 2:1 ratio

FSR80 you cannot lift below 15 lbs on each side since that is the minimum weight.

Some accessories that are standard with FSR80 are extra with FS50, like the leg press plate and lat pull knee cushion

FSR50 the weight storage is in the back. On the FSR80 it's on the sides.

French Fitness FSR80 Functional Trainer Smith & Rack Gym System
French Fitness FSR50 Dual Cable & Smith Rack Home Gym